Berry -Collective Research Program
The land occupation of the ciity of the Biturigi Cubi territory
Initiated by the DRAC of the Center region, the Collective Research Program "Berry" concerns the land occupation of the ciity of the Biturigi Cubi territory.
Project leader : C. Gandini, L. Laut.
Multiscalar and pluridisciplinary research, long time, field investigation and spatial approach of the data, these are the five pillars on which the PCR Berry has been based since 1998. This Collective Research Project is interested in the territory that today is divided between Berry and Bourbonnais, originally that of the powerful Bituriges people, which after the Caesarian conquest became the civitas of the Bituriges Cubes and at the dawn of the Middle Ages the diocese of Bourges. To identify the interactions between socio-economic and environmental dynamics, from Protohistory to the Middle Ages, a varied range of tools was used, including archaeology, history, geography and earth sciences. It is a question of crossing the views, in order to break down, as often as possible, the compartments of disciplines, periods and scales of study. In this way, the structures, organisation and evolution of the Biturige territory can be perceived in an ever more precise way, from the First Iron Age to the end of Antiquity and in some cases into the Middle Ages.
See (YouTube) the video "Cartes mémoire : Aux origines du Berry. Espaces - peuplement - paysages".
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