Meunet-Planches (Cher)

Oppidum of the “Murettes”

The oppidum of Meunet-Planches is situated on a large plateau towering over the Cher. It was also called the oppidum of the Murettes. Though it was considered as one of Julius Caesar’s camp for a long period of time, the site was more likely a Gallic fortress.

Project leaders : Olivier Buchsenschutz, Nadine Dieudonné-Glad.

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Partenaires institutionnels

 ANR - Celtecophys AOROC - UMR8546-CNRS/ENS PSL  - Paris Sciences et Lettres | université de recherche

The enclosure of Meunet-Planches, located on the plateau of Champagne Berrichonne and dominating the river Théols, was already called "Caesar’s camp" in the time of George Sand.
The system of ramparts and ditches protecting a one-hectare area has been progressively erased, but it is still visible on aerial photographs and geophysical surveys. The latter surveys, verified by excavations, have revealed the location of the gate of the enclosure and completed their layout.
In the enclosure as well as in its surroundings, iron reduction furnaces have appeared, dated to the 5th century BC, i.e. to the beginning of the Middle Ages. BC, i.e. the beginning of iron production in France.
Then a Gallic farm developed, like many known in Berry. The double rampart that surrounds it is made of earth, stone and wooden beams fixed together by long iron pins.
The 70 or so "murus gallicus" of this type, spread across France and neighbouring countries, were built mainly around urban centres such as Bourges, Châteaumeillant, Levroux and Saint-Marcel. Here a great Gallic landowner wanted to show his power by erecting this oversized monument, like the owner of the enclosure at Luant "Les Pornins" near Châteauroux.


Plan and nails of the murus.

Murus de Meunet-Planches


 Buchsenschutz O., Vers une analyse spatiale de la cité des Bituriges. In : Garcia D. (dir.), Verdin F. (dir.)., Territoires celtiques : espaces ethniques et territoires des agglomérations protohistoriques d’Europe occidentale, XXIVe colloque international de l’AFEAF, Martigues, 2000. Paris, Errance, 2002, pp. 261-270, 10 figs, res. in French p. 406, bibliogr. (10 ref.).
 Batardy Ch., Dumasy F. Buchsenschutz O., Le Berry antique, Atlas 2000, Supplément à la Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, ISSN 1159-7151, 190 p.

See on You tube "Radiographie des villages gaulois, de la prospection à la fouille".